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Church Plants

Finding Good Ground Here and


GFC Churches Partner Together To Make A Difference

Kingdom Builders is a vital part of our GFC Churches' mission. By partnering with local organizations and planting churches in key areas, we aim to reach those who may not have access to a strong discipleship culture. Our ultimate goal is to help more people develop a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father and experience His love firsthand.


2024 Partner

The workers in India focused church-building efforts are to help new congregations and church plants. They are working with hundreds of new believers who have come out of Hinduism and are now part of new congregations that are forming. Many of these congregations meet in homes and are desperately in need of church facilities. This past year they have built and completed seven churches and currently have three more under construction.  

church plants around the world

2024 Partner

Missionaries are seeing a powerful move of God amongst the Mayanga Tribe this year as they have built a bridge by planting three churches in the middle of the largest jungle in Central America. Their dream is to build 10 churches in strategic locations in the jungle.

church plant in jungle remore areas

2024 Partner

The goal in Cameroon is to put up 100 tabernacles. We know that these are just buildings, but inside people are giving their hearts to Jesus, they are being discipled, and they are being called into ministry. For $5,000, a congregation can have a permanent place of worship.  The Africa vision is to have a healthy church within walking distance of every African.

church plants around the world

2024 Partner

Jungle Missionary Team’s goal as a missionary team is to plant self-governing, self-sustaining, and self-propagating churches in villages, communities and towns that currently have no church.  They do this through the “Project 3” plan where a national pastor commits three years to target a specific community for planting a church. The first year’s focus is evangelism, second year’s is discipleship, and the third year’s is local church leadership formation.  The vision is to plant 100 new church in the next 10 years.  


2025 GFC
El Almacen
Mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico

After powerful movements of God and churches planted in Oaxaca City and Huatulco we are ready to plant a new church in Mexico. Pastor David Garcia had a heart to reach those walking in drug addiction and moved his family to the mountains to minister to this community. What started as a small group has gained momentum and we will soon see a new church established in Almacen.

church plant in oaxaca mexico

Fall 2024 GFC
Nights San Antonio

GFC Nights is on track to launch in September 2024 and the Lord has been continuously tugging on hearts and build his team. If you are feeling that pull to be a part of this team for Saturday nights, we'd love for you to come to the next Launch Team meet up! Check out our Facebook

Night church people gathered

2024 Partner

Hope for Uruguay has a goal of establishing 100 new churches and building 100 sanctuaries for new and growing congregations. They have trained many young Uruguayan couples over the years and have planted 35 new churches. Today, all 35 are led by Uruguayan couples and are completely self-supporting and self-propagating.   


Three years ago, Hope for Uruguay launched the construction phase of Hope for Uruguay 100. They saw these new congregations meeting under tents, in homes, garages or rented store fronts.  Their space and days to meet were limited, affecting their potential growth. God burdened the hearts of the missionaries, and they began to look for ways to partner with the national church to build. Since then, 23 new churches have been built and dedicated, helping these new congregations have their very first sanctuary.

church plants in uruguay

2024 Partner

In 1994, Rwanda experienced historic and horrific genocide in conflict between the Hutus and Tutsis. The cover of Time Magazine on May 16, read “There are no devils left in hell, they are all in Rwanda”. 

Thirty years later, the Assemblies of God has 179 churches in Rwanda.  Hutus and Tutsis worship together.  People worship side-by-side with people who killed their family members.  The stories of forgiveness and healing are remarkable.


In a Catholic church where ten thousand people trying to find shelter were brutally murdered over the course of two days you can find their clothes piled on the wooden benches and their skulls are in a glass case below the church.  It is a reminder of the power of hate.  The Rwandans set aside a day each year to remember the genocide.  They say, “What we forget, we repeat”.   

Now, in that place of hurt and pain, God’s church is bringing help, hope and healing. 


2024 Partner
Church of the Hills
Bulverde, TX

Launching September 2024.

Connecting People to Jesus.Living Life On Mission.


With more than two decades in ministry, leadership, and business, Pastors Cody and Michele Laymon are the lead pastors of Church of the Hills.


Cody and Michele are passionate about seeing people come to Jesus and living life on mission (Matthew 28:19).

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